John Guerra


3D modeler, Animator, Designer, Product designer, Artist, Maker, Artisan

johndaguerra commented on Calamity Ring by johndaguerra
November 27, 2017
johndaguerra @nak762 Very dark! That's a photo of it at the top of the page, there. :) One alternative option is to get the ring in silver and then tarnish it heavily- the more tarnished it is, the blacker it'll get. Plus no risk of shrinking, like steel!
johndaguerra @nak762 All the steels can shrink very slightly, since the way they're made involves shaping steel dust with an organic binder (like a glue) and then melting the binder out. That tiny bit of lost mass is both why steel isn't able to be QUITE as detailed as other materials, and why it can sometimes be very slightly smaller than intended. I've personally always fit rings I've printed in steel, but if you're worried about it, I'd get a ring that's half a size bigger than necessary- if it shrinks, you're fine, and if it comes out too big, you can just paint a coat or two of clear nail polish on the inside- the polish will both make the ring fit you better and make it feel extra nice against your skin. Hope that helps :)
johndaguerra @Nook929 I'm honestly not sure! I don't think I've ever seen any of my designs in premium silver, so I can't say exactly how much more gets polished off than the polished silver. The only difference is how much they polish it (so, how shiny it is + how much gets removed), so if you're worried about losing the details, I'd probably just get the polished silver instead.
johndaguerra commented on Name Engraved Ring by johndaguerra
July 14, 2017
johndaguerra @Nook929 Hey! Just added both size 7 and polished silver to the options menu. Mind sending a picture when you get it? I've never seen it in silver and I'd like to see how it comes out! :)
johndaguerra @xelizabethnfx Sure thing! I just added a size 4.5 that's been tweaked a little to work at that smaller size. Personally I like it best in normal stainless steel, but nickel would probably look good too!
johndaguerra @fbe49bb Just added! :)
johndaguerra commented on Ring of the Sun Princess by johndaguerra
February 17, 2017
johndaguerra @SnakoMantis2545 Sure thing! I just added a size 4 to the size dropdown. :)
johndaguerra @topper_246 Just added it :)
johndaguerra @PacSam Just added 9.5 to the dropdown! And for tarnish resistance, I'd probably go with polished silver- the slight roughness that's left in raw silver is probably a little harder to clean, so a smoother surface ought to do it.
johndaguerra @GreyStreak Sure thing! Here you go:
johndaguerra @chucklenorris420 Ah, sorry! Just added the 12.5 too.
johndaguerra @chucklenorris420 Sure thing! Just added size 11.5 to the size dropdown at the top right. :)
johndaguerra @jessi339 No problem! Here you go:
johndaguerra @jessi339 Just uploaded it in size 8:
johndaguerra @shiimapan Sure! Just uploaded it in 4.5 here:
johndaguerra @PLAU Good catch! Sorry about that. I just fixed the links. Here's the size 10 ring:
johndaguerra commented on Ring of Blades by johndaguerra
December 14, 2016
johndaguerra @nak762 Haven't tried it myself, but I've been told by customers that it's comfortable but can sometimes snag when you're reaching into pockets. For that reason, tbh, this one probably works better as a display ring than one you'd want to wear every day!
johndaguerra commented on Ring of Favor and Protection by johndaguerra
December 10, 2016
johndaguerra @Karelverboon Sure thing! Just added a silver option to the size 7.5:
johndaguerra @dhRenegade Honestly, I think the gold ring is the most accurate, but I'm not about to push you into buying a $300 ring for the sake of accuracy, haha. It's a little hard to say, but I think polished brass/bronze or gold-plated are your best bets. Steel is fine but it doesn't print fine details as well. Hope that helps!
johndaguerra Sorry, I don't have any pictures of this ring in polished bronze. However, the picture of polished brass ( ) is a pretty close picture of how the detail would come out, if you can picture that in a more bronze color. Here's a picture of someone else's work in polished bronze, as another example of what you can expect: Sorry I can't quite get the exact picture you want!
johndaguerra @graceyohe Yes, gold steel is plated in a thin layer of gold! As a warning, this layer will eventually start rubbing off- a friend of mine has been wearing his regularly for six months and it's starting to visibly thin out in a few places. For a more reliable gold finish, I'd probably recommend the 14k or 18k gold plated options- the gold layer on those is 5 times thicker, so it lasts much, much longer.
johndaguerra commented on Havel's Ring by johndaguerra
November 29, 2016
johndaguerra @GreyStreak Sure thing! Here you go:
johndaguerra @caolanberg Sure thing! I just uploaded it in size 10.75. :)
johndaguerra @hsparks3 Sure thing! I just added size 11.5 to the size dropdown on this page. :)
johndaguerra @Falchion_Wielder Sure thing! Just added size 12 to the size dropdown on the right. I also just revamped this ring so there's a size dropdown instead of a separate store page per size. Let me know if it works okay! It's a new feature on Shapeways and I'm still testing it out.
johndaguerra @Laria Glad to hear it! Think you could post a picture? I'd love to see how it came out!
johndaguerra @Enkidu989 Just uploaded it in a size 11:
johndaguerra commented on Ring of the Evil Eye by johndaguerra
October 25, 2016
johndaguerra @twistedmelodiia sorry this is such a struggle...! I've updated it again. The people double checking the designs vary in how strict they are with detailing, so this time it got flagged for a different issue from last time. (I wish there was a way I could have them approve it without making someone order / get cancelled repeatedly!) ANYWAY, I've fixed what they alerted me to and I don't see any issues with the new version, so I think this final version should work just fine. Sorry for the inconvenience.
johndaguerra @twistedmelodiia Hey, sorry your order didn't go through! Sometimes the polished metals with smaller sizes need a few extra tweaks to make it printable. I've made a few changes that I *THINK* should totally fix it- if you place the order again, it should go through this time. (If it doesn't I'm going to have to make some bigger changes, but I promise I'll make it work!) Sorry for the inconvenience. Hope you're still interested. :)
johndaguerra @twistedmelodiia Sure thing! I've just added 7.5 to the size dropdown on this page. :)
This is one of my sillier ones, but I took a step outside the normal Dark Souls ring wheelhouse. Presenting the titular Secret Ring, from Sonic and the Secret Rings! -
johndaguerra commented on King's Ring by johndaguerra
October 3, 2016
johndaguerra @Crash_overlord Hey! Shapeways doesn't seal things, so yeah, it would oxidize. If you want to avoid getting your fingers green, a thin layer of clear nail polish works great to easily seal it yourself!
johndaguerra @Lara000 Just added the silver option in the default size of 8.5! Let me know if you want it in silver in any of the other sizes!
johndaguerra @GeZ_ Hey GeZ! Here you go:


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