James Guard


jguard favorited Sulaco v2 by donmcl1
January 13, 2018
jguard Ah, I found the numbers. They are on the sides at the bottom, super small. Plus, taking your advice I found them on the 3D image as well. These were a bit rougher than the Nimitz ones but they are excellent overall.
jguard I just purchased these but they are not numbered like the Nimitz round downs. Do you know the order, I don't have enough reference unfortunately.
jguard Wow, keep em coming. How about island corrections in the future?
jguard These are very high quality. I was very skeptical and thought I'd be scratch building these anyway. Boy was I wrong. Very crisp and accurate detail. Highly recommend
jguard added a product to a list
February 18, 2016
jguard added products to lists
February 12, 2016
jguard Finally! I hope these make it to production. Such a very important piece of detail for a modern CVN
jguard added a product to a list
January 13, 2016
jguard added products to a list
December 4, 2015
jguard commented on 1:350 Scale USS Kitty Hawk Hangar Details by gjholmes77
November 11, 2015
jguard Will these work in a JFK hangar? Same? I have no reference on the JFK's hangar decks.


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