Stuart Metcalf


InsaneGalvatron commented on Detective Adapter by InsaneGalvatron
July 8, 2017
InsaneGalvatron @SHANEHAi I bought these a long time ago through taobao. And I had to jump through hoops to do so as you can't buy direct from there as an american. You'll have to go there and see if anybody has any for sale, then google how to buy through a third party. I think I used taobaoring. Like I said, you'll just have to sleuth a bit to figure it out like I did all those months ago. Glad you like the part. I mostly designed it for myself and just made it available to the public.
InsaneGalvatron @SHANEHAi You mean the Go-Shooter? Actually it's not a KO. It's a factory reject because they used the wrong head. I got it on taobao.
InsaneGalvatron @Ablack1219 Did you push it all the way down? The top of the Titan Master head needs to go into the square hole at the bottom. In my copies, it's a second "click".
InsaneGalvatron @Yaosai Did you watch the video? The reviewer had the same loose problem until he got the TMs head to go down into the square hole at the bottom. Then it was really solid. If it won't go at first, you may have to file slightly on the edges.
InsaneGalvatron @Yaosai I just read your reply and it actually sounds like you may have put it in upside down. The long wide part is supposed to go into that slot underneath. Only the two parts that go around the small head are supposed to stick up out of the neck.
InsaneGalvatron @fb04d10 I'm sorry. What approximate length would you like them to be?
InsaneGalvatron @fb04d10 Got the gun designed, about to upload it now. Look for the new product in my store as soon as Shapeways approves it for printing.
InsaneGalvatron @fb04d10 Sorry. Life has been hectic and I was planning to do it tomorrow night. I'll move that up to tonight to see if I can get them up a day sooner.
InsaneGalvatron @fb04d10 I'll to to have something up by this weekend.
InsaneGalvatron @fb04d10 I assume you just want them sized up to fit his hands? 5mm pegs and all? Or do you want them small enough to be used as antenna? Though I wouldn't know how they'd attach to anything at that size.
InsaneGalvatron @cykohedgehog Sunstreaker wasn't originally, but they made him one in IDW. So he's been one in fiction. The story was engaging enough to make me like the characters involved. Grimlock has never been a headmaster in fiction. But hey, that's just my preference. I like to reference fiction in my collection. To each their own. If someone wants to make a headmaster Grimlock, this looks to be the best route unless they want to cut up a toy ( like I'll have to do for Sunstreaker ).
InsaneGalvatron @cykohedgehog I don't have the toy right in front of me to check, but unless there's a hole to put the adapter in, I can't think of any way to make it work without cutting the toy up. Honestly though, Grimlock was never a headmaster, so I'm leaving my FoC version in his original condition. I'm gonna use Clobber to make a Hunter O'nion for CW Sunstreaker ( who'll I'll convert into a headmaster ).


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